This photo released by Middle Way Meditation Institute shows an aerial shot of 56,680 candles in a bid to set a new world record for the largest flaming image in Iloilo City. Hundreds of people lined up in a dark, muddy field to form a giant map of the Philippines. The 56,000 candles appeared to have topped the old record of 35,478 candles forming a company logo in Pakistan in December 2009. AFP PHOTO
This photo released by Middle Way Meditation Institute shows an aerial shot of 56,680 candles in a bid to set a new world record for the largest flaming image in Iloilo City. Hundreds of people lined up in a dark, muddy field to form a giant map of the Philippines. The 56,000 candles appeared to have topped the old record of 35,478 candles forming a company logo in Pakistan in December 2009. AFP PHOTO

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