Retired police Supt. Dionisio Abude shows clippings of reports on killings in Davao at the Senate inquiry on extrajudicial killings. Abude, former chief of the Heinous Crime Division of the Davao police, admitted being penalized by the Ombudsman in connection with the unsolved killings but he denied the existence of the Davao Death Squad. He also denied the claim of Edgar Matobato that he was present when Sali Makdum, an alleged terrorist, was seized by the police. Matobato said Makdum was killed by the DDS in 2002. PHOTO BY BOB DUNGO
Retired police Supt. Dionisio Abude shows clippings of reports on killings in Davao at the Senate inquiry on extrajudicial killings. Abude, former chief of the Heinous Crime Division of the Davao police, admitted being penalized by the Ombudsman in connection with the unsolved killings but he denied the existence of the Davao Death Squad. He also denied the claim of Edgar Matobato that he was present when Sali Makdum, an alleged terrorist, was seized by the police. Matobato said Makdum was killed by the DDS in 2002. PHOTO BY BOB DUNGO

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