A worker paints part of a sidewalk as two foreign tourists walk past him on Aduana Street in Intramuros, Manila, on Sunday. Intramuros or the Walled City is a top tourist draw but it apparently has helped little in putting the Philippines atop the list of favorite destinations of foreigners. As of May 2015, according to the World Economic Forum, the Philippines ranked 74 among 141 countries most visited by international travelers. PHOTO BY ROGER RAÑADA
A worker paints part of a sidewalk as two foreign tourists walk past him on Aduana Street in Intramuros, Manila, on Sunday. Intramuros or the Walled City is a top tourist draw but it apparently has helped little in putting the Philippines atop the list of favorite destinations of foreigners. As of May 2015, according to the World Economic Forum, the Philippines ranked 74 among 141 countries most visited by international travelers. PHOTO BY ROGER RAÑADA

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