MANILA Mayor Joseph Estrada led the inauguration of the renovated Quinta Market in Quiapo, Manila on Wednesday.

BIGGER, BETTER Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada talks to a fish vendor as he inspects the public market. PHOTO BY RUSSELL PALMA

Estrada said the reconstruction of the market will help the city’s fish industry to flourish.

“With a fish port and ferry terminal nearby, we will be able to attract traders and consumers from Metro Manila and nearby provinces, thus, boosting business in Quiapo and in the city as a whole,” he said.

“This is what we’ve been envisioning, a modern, convenient and mall-like public market both accessible by land and Pasig River,” he added.

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Quinta Market features modern wet and dry sections and stalls, air-conditioned restrooms and a food court. The building is equipped with security cameras has a parking area at the second floor.

The city government earlier renovated public markets in Sampaloc, Sta. Ana, San Andres and Trabajo.

For Quinta market, the city entered into a P150 million joint venture with private developer Marketlife Management and Leasing Corp. who shouldered the construction costs.

The inauguration of the public market coincided with the 80th birthday celebration of Estrada.