Caesar and Celia Veloso, parents of overseas Filipino worker (OFW) Mary Jane Veloso, join members of party-list group Garbriela in a march around Quezon City Memorial Circle in Quezon City on Sunday as part of their “Justice Walk” calling on the government to bring Mary Jane home. The march also marked Mother’s Day. The OFW is on death row in Indonesia for drug smuggling. PHOTO BY MIGUEL DE GUZMAN
Caesar and Celia Veloso, parents of overseas Filipino worker (OFW) Mary Jane Veloso, join members of party-list group Garbriela in a march around Quezon City Memorial Circle in Quezon City on Sunday as part of their “Justice Walk” calling on the government to bring Mary Jane home. The march also marked Mother’s Day. The OFW is on death row in Indonesia for drug smuggling. PHOTO BY MIGUEL DE GUZMAN

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