President Benigno Aquino 3rd graces the premier screening of “Rescue in the Philippines: Refuge from the Holocaust” in Malacañang on Thursday. The  one-hour documentary tells  how the Philippines became an asylum for approximately 1,300 Jews who escaped Nazi tyranny during World War II. The rescue was orchestrated by Philippine President Manuel L. Quezon, US High Commissioner Paul McNutt, US Army Colonel Dwight Eisenhower and the five Frieder brothers.           MALACAÑANG PHOTO
President Benigno Aquino 3rd graces the premier screening of “Rescue in the Philippines: Refuge from the Holocaust” in Malacañang on Thursday. The one-hour documentary tells how the Philippines became an asylum for approximately 1,300 Jews who escaped Nazi tyranny during World War II. The rescue was orchestrated by Philippine President Manuel L. Quezon, US High Commissioner Paul McNutt, US Army Colonel Dwight Eisenhower and the five Frieder brothers. MALACAÑANG PHOTO

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