A worker harvests Carabao grass through “Sudsud” at an open field near the power transmission lines in Lumban, Laguna. “Sudsud” is one of the mayor sources of income in the area, but residents need to come up with 120 sets of Carabao grass to earn a living for a day. A set of six slabs of grass sells at P6 each. PHOTO BY DJ DIOSINA
A worker harvests Carabao grass through “Sudsud” at an open field near the power transmission lines in Lumban, Laguna. “Sudsud” is one of the mayor sources of income in the area, but residents need to come up with 120 sets of Carabao grass to earn a living for a day. A set of six slabs of grass sells at P6 each. PHOTO BY DJ DIOSINA

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