Manila Times College (TMTC) undergo a two-week crash course on English grammar with Professor Juanita Blackton, a visiting English language specialist from Kansas City, Missouri under a program with the US Department of State. The course is part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between TMTC and the US Embassy Public Affairs Service-Manila for collaborative efforts in enhancing the English language and reporting skills of journalism students and developing a new crop of journalists. PHOTO BY RENE DILAN
Students of The Manila Times College (TMTC) undergo a two-week crash course on English grammar with Professor Juanita Blackton, a visiting English language specialist from Kansas City, Missouri under a program with the US Department of State. The course is part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between TMTC and the US Embassy Public Affairs Service-Manila for collaborative efforts in enhancing the English language and reporting skills of journalism students and developing a new crop of journalists. PHOTO BY RENE DILAN

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